
Animal Spirit Guides and Imagination

How many times have you heard, “Oh, it’s just your imagination!” implying that it’s merely some delusional artifice that holds no bearing on reality, reserved for the likes of children, artists, or writers of fiction? Useful in some instances, but limited....

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Our Kinship With Animals

Malidoma Patrice Somé is a healer, teacher, and elder of the Dagara peoples in the small West African nation of Burkina Faso in West Africa. He travels extensively giving classes and workshops, and in one of his teachings, he describes how the Dagara believe there are...

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Simple is as Simple Does

“To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter… to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are...

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Cartwheels and Drama

Cartwheels. All the time. She tries different variations of these cartwheels along with handstands and jumping from the couch, much to her mother’s consternation, flipping over and landing on her feet. At least most of the time she lands on her feet, though she slips...

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Writing and Distractions

One of my favorite sayings as a writer is “the tyranny of the blank page” and for the earlier part of this day it proved to be true. I’m in Atlanta doing some workshops and private sessions at this incredible new age/metaphysical bookstore called Phoenix and Dragon,...

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As some of you may know, I am also a singer/songwriter, having written a number of songs, I’ve also recorded quite a few of them but have never been quite happy with my Garage Band level of recording, and frankly, intimidated as to how to go further with what seemed...

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Service or Ambition?

Did a reading recently, or more accurately, Jesseca gave me a reading, with the Osho Zen Tarot deck. Jesseca, who has experimented with a lot of intuitive tools, uses it and trusts it. The other deck we’ve been fond of using is, of course, my new Earth Magic Oracle...

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Television, Computers and Children

Movie night around our house is a very big deal. It’s a big deal because it’s the only television that my stepdaughters, Serena (seven years old), and Ari (five years old), are allowed to watch. It becomes an event rather than an every day happening. Makes it even...

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A Poison By Any Other Name

There’s increasing evidence that a common poison available in many consumer goods has gone and changed its name. Aspartame, found as a principle ingredient in Equal© and Nutrasweet©, has come under fire lately, so Ajinomoto, the company that manufactures it has now...

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