
Into the Jungle

Okay, so here we are, a group of adventurers in a bus riding along a very bumpy road headed to the jungles of Peru. It was not the road we were originally supposed to travel on since due to the unseasonably heavy rains, that road was covered by landslides. What would...

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Into the Jungle (Part Two)

As I’d mentioned in part one, we’d stopped at a lodge in the Cloud Forest over halfway on our journey to the land of the Machiguenga in the Amazon. It was an eight-hour ride over very bumpy roads and at times when I’d look down we’d be so close the edge that I...

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Into the Jungle (Part 3) – The Journey Continues

So over two days of travel, a combination of rough roads and a long trip on the river, we settled into our rather surprisingly comfortable accommodations in the Amazon Basin. We were in the part of the jungle that was Machiguenga territory; where there was a...

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Into the Jungle (Part 4) – Just Listen

“Shh. Just listen . . .” Her soft, gentle, loving voice also carried with it an authority that I could not resist. When prompted like this, I would quiet my mind and allow myself to be taken by the spirit of Ayahuasca, the shamanic medicine whose brew I had ingested...

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Into the Jungle (Part 5) – Healing the Mother Wound

There we were, Jesseca and I, in the heart of the Peruvian jungle in the Amazon Basin hours away from civilization, preparing for the third and final night of journeying with the plant medicine, Ayahuasca. I’d described in previous articles how the first two...

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Only God Can Shape A Flower

I came across this quote recently. It caused me to pause and reflect on the layers of meaning in this advice: “Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no...

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Innocence and Wisdom

For a period of time, my daughter, Catherine and grandson, Jaden stayed with me at a house I used to live in. There were a number of steps to climb to get to the driveway where her car was parked, and sometimes she would be in a hurry because she was late. I’d be in...

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Difference Between Men and Women

The Story of Roger and Elaine By Dave Barry Let’s say a guy named Roger is attracted to a woman named Elaine. He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and they enjoy themselves again....

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Oatmeal and Soul Retrieval

Soul Calling What’s oatmeal got to do with soul retrieval? Well, I found out in a very personal way recently. In my shamanic work, one of the more common treatments is called soul retrieval or soul recovery. It’s based on the idea that as we go along in life we may...

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Personal Spiritual Authority

(Excerpted from Earth Magic: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Planet) At this time in human history, we’re seeing an evolution in consciousness, particularly as to how it affects our spiritual and religious philosophies and practices. It...

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