
Everyday Holiness: Infusing Spirit in Daily Life

The season of Spring is rampant with the themes and symbols of rebirth and resurrection. Its arrival is accompanied by various rituals and ceremonies that reflect and honor the attributes of the season. Given the number of festivities, April can arguably be called one...

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The Power of Unconditional Love

“I don’t want someone who sees the good about me. I want someone who sees the bad and still loves me.” —Anonymous “The beginning of love is to let those we love to be perfectly themselves and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise,...

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A Time to Look Forward

The winter solstice has passed. The joys of the festive season, while still fresh in the memory, are over for another year. Now it’s time to look forward to a new year and the various celebrations and changes to come. While winter still has a few dark and cold days to...

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Cynicism, Optimism, and Gratitude

The other day I was thinking about all that’s going on in the world that could trigger fear, hopelessness, or even despair. Having a fairly well developed cynical side to me—though not even close to being as dominant as it once was—sometimes it’s easy to fall into...

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Discover the True Meaning of Samhain / Hallowe’en

Samhain (pronounced SOW-en) is perhaps the most important but least understood of the ancient Celtic festivals. The word Samhain means “summer’s end,” and marks the end of harvest and the start of the darkest time of the year. A time when the veil between the world of...

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A Time to Give Gratitude

Commemorating the Autumn Equinox really does give you an opportunity to give thanks to what the warmer months of the year have brought to your life. And it gives you a chance to switch focus and look towards what the remainder of the year will bring.

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The Star of Summer

In the northern hemisphere, the “dog days” of summer refers to a period between early July on into the first days of September, when summer is at its hottest.

Be sure to periodically observe the night sky over the next few months as Orion makes his way across the celestial dome followed closely by his loyal Dog Star and their companions forming Canis Major.

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