

I have two pairs of glasses — one for computer work and one for viewing objects at distance, and I’m quite dependent on both pairs to help me see.

My vision problems started when I was 12 years old and they’ve progressed since then, so now instead of one pair, I need two. I typically keep them both nearby and don’t usually think twice about where they are, as they almost always end up being close to hand.

However, one evening, that turned out to not be the case. I had taken my dog Scout to the park to play our favorite game — the one where I throw the ball, he runs after it, meanders around a little, stopping every now and then to pee in different places to spread his scent and let other dogs know that he’s been there.

After, we went back home, had dinner, I checked my email, and as the evening progressed, I played my guitar a little bit, before deciding to watch TV.

I looked around for my distance glasses which were usually easily identifiable because I put them in a very obvious gray glass case. After having no luck searching the places I usually kept them, I decided to try something that produces good results almost all the time — call on one of my favorite Spirit Animals, Raven, who is also one of my Power Animals.

When I make such a request, I express it with gratitude, as if it has already happened. “Hey, Raven!” I called out, before pausing, then continuing. “Thank you for helping me find my glasses.”

Saying it this way also lends confidence to the request.

After calling out, I sat in silence, paying close attention to whatever I saw, heard, or felt. Anything that would give me a clue as to how Raven was responding to my request.

I soon got my answer.

The majority of the time when I receive spiritual guidance, it shows up through my Inner Voice—what I simply call “The Voice”.

I knew this time it was Raven’s voice, softly yet clearly telling me to “go to the park”.

My reaction? Well, my internal dialogue was something along the lines of, “You’ve got to be kidding me! It’s dark out now. I’m ready to wind down for the evening. I don’t even remember if I wore them when I was playing with Scout!”

I started to question whether I was just making this up or if I had somehow misunderstood the response. So I repeated my request and within moments I heard Raven’s voice repeat his guidance: “Go to the park.”

I fussed and moaned for a few moments, whining about the inconvenience of doing so, but eventually grabbed a flashlight and my jacket and left to return to the park.

I was feeling reluctant and distrustful, despite my long-standing relationship with Raven who has frequently helped me find lost items. I also knew that Raven’s medicine is sometimes trickery, so I had good reason for being hesitant to begin with, thinking he may have been somehow messing with me.

Yet, softly in the background I could hear the word “trust” being repeated. And in my mind’s eye could even see it in capital letters, slightly glowing like a neon sign: TRUST!

Okay, okay! I surrender!

As I left my house and walked to the car, my inner dialogue about trust continued. I was wondering if this would turn out to be a fool’s errand. After all, it was quite dark and the park that Scout and I had played in as the sun was setting was not very well lit.

I reached into my jacket pocket to reassure myself that I indeed had my flashlight and, with fresh determination, continued walking to the car. I confess there was a part of me wanting to prove Raven wrong, to show that his advice this one time had missed the mark.

I reached the car, opened the door, and prepared to step in. That’s when my eye caught something in the space between the driver’s seat and the edge of the car where the door closed. Hmm. Something gray. Oh, Jeez! It was my eyeglass case! I reached into the crevice, lifted the case out, looked inside and . . . there they were, my eyeglasses!

Stunned and yet pleasantly surprised, I was thinking how if I had disregarded Raven’s guidance, I would not have found them — at least not until the next day. And that would have meant me missing the chance to wind down that evening by watching my favorite television show.

Then it struck me. Yes, Raven had “tricked” me, but with the intent of directing me in a way that allowed me to find my glasses. Despite any grumblings or misgivings, my actions were enough to say that I trusted his directive and found what I was looking for.

I could almost hear Raven cackling at his trickery and his test of my willingness to TRUST his guidance, in spite of my initial doubt and reluctance. It certainly got me thinking a lot about surrendering to any guidance I receive, whether from this Power Animal Raven, who has been with me for two decades, or from any other spirit guides.

This simple experience had profound implications for me, deeply affecting my willingness to trust and surrender to the guidance I am blessed with and grateful to receive.

I encourage and invite you to deepen your TRUST in the guidance you receive from any spirit guide and take risks in heeding their advice. I know that since that experience, it’s extremely rare for me to ignore or even question my spirit guides, even when the advice comes through in unexpected ways.

Thank you, Raven!

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