
The Old Man in the Cave

Did a shamanic journey and was taken by my spirit guides to an old sitting in a cave. Classic archetype, right? Since it was a lower world journey, where there are mainly spirit animals, I was a bit surprised to find a human-looking spirit there. No matter though. My inquiry was just for a general message. Here’s what he said:

“All of this spiritual stuff, these spirit guides and such, including animal and plant spirits are really a manifestation of the spirit inside you expressing itself as a seemingly external spirit. You could say it’s a projection of the spirit inside you but that’s not exactly right. More like, as you have been saying, a collaboration of the seeming duality of an internal and external spirit.

“When you hear that whisper in your ear, where is it actually coming from? It does seem slightly outside you, right? This is merely as you experience it, however it is a reflection of the internal force that animates you that we call spirit.

“Center of your body is actually what in T’ai Chi is termed the tantien, which is that point just one or two inches below your navel. The center of your Being is your heart. The flow between the two is what happens when you consciously breathe. It’s also that connection that allows you to intuit what the larger force of Spirit is communicating to you, no matter what way, shape, or form. So take deeper breaths, slow down, and be attentive to this circuit between the two and it will empower the communication with Spirit.

“I’m meditating, not medicating. You don’t need to idealize either process. As Alec said last evening, quoting his guru’s teachings, ‘You’re a slave to your cravings, whether they whip you or caress you.’

“Something to think about.”

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