
Happy Solstice Season!

Here we are at the start of the Solstice season with all the various celebrations, many of them in the western world focused around Christmas, then on into the New Year festivities. It’s a glorious time, one of kinship, celebration, the hope and assurance through stories and songs that the light will indeed return. The sun itself will seem to rise and set in the same place for a few days before it begins to alter its course, as if its resting before it makes its six month journey to its maximum display.

Of course it’s an illusion in that it’s the cosmic interplay between the Earth and the sun in their orbits, the Earth in the northern hemisphere being tilted in such a way that the sun’s arc comes from a more southerly direction. To our friends in the southern hemisphere it has warmed up and they are now experiencing the height of the summer solstice. For them the light will be decreasing. I’ve never been able to get my head around celebrating Christmas at the warmest part of the year but somehow the Australians take what is basically a western European tradition in stride.

I also have noted how so many people seem to be in a hurry. I drove to the downtown here in Laguna and set the intention to stay as calm as possible in spite of anything external that was happening. It did seem like a lot of people were rushing in their cars and on foot. I did quite well with my intention, with one relatively minor slip. Some guy cut in front of me and I had a few seconds of vengeful thoughts, but then reminded myself to breathe and let it go. It worked! An interesting outcome of this experiment was that people seemed generally more relaxed and friendly. Hmm. Perhaps had something to do with my attitude. The law of attraction in action!

Another aspect of this season is our family and friends. Yeah, being with family can be a little crazy-making, and I know some have chosen to be with friends that they feel much closer to that their blood relatives. Whatever version of family, it’s important to express your love and gratitude. Amp it up even more than you usually do. The simplest gestures can be so meaningful, like a phone call to someone you haven’t talked with in awhile. Taking time out for your children to just play. Sit by the fire and tell stories. Say thank you as many times as possible. Give hugs. Get hugs.

And slow down. Wintertime we’re biologically designed to move a bit slower. Stretches, slower moving yoga, walks are all different types of exercise. Unless it’s extremely cold, get outside.

And don’t be afraid of the dark. I have it on good authority that the light will return.

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