Spirit Animals as Messengers and Guides
May 29, 2017
6-8:30 pm
Embrace Australia
Have you ever had a big dream where an animal played an important part? Or watched as a bird landed a few feet from you, look right at you, and hang around for a while? How about seeing a coyote wandering down a street in your neighborhood where coyotes don’t typically travel? Or an animal show up in an unusual way shortly after a loved one has passed?
These are just a sampling of the many ways that the animals can be messengers from Great Spirit to teach you and guide you. In this experiential workshop you will:
- Learn about the differences in terms, such as spirit animal, totem animal, and power animal.
- Find out how to discern the message from any particular animal sighting.
- Discover how to do accurate spirit animal readings for your self . . . and others.
- Learn ways to use oracle cards, such as The Power Animal Cards.
- Find out how to know who your power animal is.
This is an experience that you won’t forget. What you learn here will last a lifetime.
Dr. Farmer will also be at Embrace first thing in the morning (10am) to offer a free lecture and booksigning. You can come and get a preview of the evening’s workshop, ask a few questions and get your favorite book signed or purchase his brand new book published by Animal Dreaming, Inc.
For more information or to register go HERE or call (02) 9531 0009. Limited private sessions will also be available. Book your appointment now before they fill up!