Mediumship and Metaphysics Conference: Messages from the Spirits of Nature
Jan 24, 2024
4:00 to 6:00 PM PST
Our long-ago ancestors had a different relationship with the natural world, not one of dominance and control, but one of recognizing the profound unity of all beings. Many contemporary indigenous people continue to share this view and consider every being on this planet a relative, accorded the kind of respect due a family member. Many of these native languages do not have words for “thing” or “object”—terms that imply separateness between humans and the numerous elements of the environment rather than a true kinship.
Like our early ancestors, it’s possible to receive messages from the Spirits of Nature, including animals, plants, trees, and minerals. In this workshop Dr. Farmer will show you how you can readily receive messages from the Spirits of Nature and how to identify the four different ways you can perceive these messages that will help guide you on your life path.