

On January 11 of this year I turned 65. This is the part where you’re supposed to say or think, “Wow! He doesn’t look that old.” Sure don’t feel that old. At least most of the time! The “I” that I am feels ageless-that part of...

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Ushering in the New Era

The much-ballyhooed winter solstice of 2012 proved to be a turning point, not so much in, terms of an apocalyptic event on that specific day but more of a demarcation where an intentional shift in consciousness occurred. This was the result of thousands of people...

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Problem Solved

An axiom that has been circulating the Internet via Facebook lately caught my attention. It was, “My therapist set half of a glass of water in front of me. He asked if I was an optimist or a pessimist. So, I drank the water and told him I was a problem solver.” It’s a...

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Mockingbird’s Message

About a week ago I was in my office and noticed a persistent chirping from a bird outside. It went on for quite awhile and had a regular cadence to it. I went outside to see where the chirping was coming from and as I looked up I saw a mockingbird at the top of the...

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Shamanism and Acting

In a recent article I described my foray into an acting class that meets once a week. In it I describe how I was so intrigued with my first experience in that class that I knew I had to keep going, even though I have no real desire to pursue that path professionally....

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A Nature Treasure Hunt

Some time ago my family and I took a stroll through Montgomery Woods in Central Northern California, home of the giant standing ones—the majestic natural skyscrapers called Redwood trees—that stretched so far up into the atmosphere that you couldn’t make out their...

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Earth Mother’s Day

The gradual movement that we are aware of here in the northern hemisphere is the full blossoming of springtime as we move through this part of the solar cycle. In the Celtic Wheel of the Year, May 1 is a cross-quarter day, meaning the day halfway between the spring...

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Ancestors, Ancestors We Are Calling

Ancestors, ancestors, we are calling Ancestors, ancestors, hear our call Sing or chant the above words for at least four rounds, as you stand in honor of the ancestors to welcome them. As you do, create a simple gesture to welcome the ancestors, such as prayer hands...

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Whose Your Spirit Guide?

Interview Published in THE SPEAKING TREE in Bangalore, INDIA March 18, 2012 STEVEN FARMER, author and Shamanic healer, answers questions from POONAM JAIN on the subject of animals as spirit-guides. He tells her that earth, animals and gods are all extensions of the...

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Stop Acting!

A few months ago my niece Jordan, 16 years old at the time, indicated she wanted to find an agent and receive some training so she could start working as and actress and model. She and her two younger sisters had gotten some print modeling jobs a few years back so she...

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